The Improvement of Work Know-how and Actual Work Go Hand in Hand
In her career story, Jenna describes how doing her master’s thesis and working at Tasowheel, and the compilation of these two has worked out in practice. She studies production automation and manufacturing as her major and works as a production planner at Tasowheel.
I applied to work at Tasowheel and to do my master’s thesis after I saw a job announcement for a production planner to hire at Tasowheel. Quite fast we got into an agreement of the subject of my thesis, after which we jointly decided on the schedule and the subject’s final scope. Deciding on the praxis concerning working and writing my thesis has been flexible, and for the last couple of months I have worked three days a week at the office, and the rest two days a week I have been writing my thesis at home. It has been pleasant to write as I’ve been able to test and develop the practical side of work concerning S&OP process (Sales and Operations Planning Process), based on what I have learned in academia. It has also been fascinating to realize how the acquired academic knowledge and theory sometimes differ from practice in the industry.
Even though I’ve been a Tasowheeler only for six months now, I have already been able to see how helpful and receptive my coworkers and superiors have been. My questions have always been answered briefly and comprehensively, and some of the perplex issues on my mind have been handled thoroughly. When I started working at Tasowheel, the onboarding, lasting up to two weeks, was intense and I truly felt my boss was invested in it. I was also surprised about how much different ERP softwares were used instead of traditional Excel sheets.

At this point, I am pleased to see how I have improved in my job. I am not the only one asking questions from others anymore, but others ask questions from me as well. Seems like they trust in me and my skills. The best part of my job is that in the morning I never know for sure what the day ahead brings to me. The amount of my responsibilities has increased, and what comes to my future at Tasowheel, I must say the career advancements are really attempting.
“My job description is equivalent to my education, and I truly feel I’m in the right place. The interests and strengths of employees are taken into consideration, and here everyone can affect to own education, and decide on how to solve problems in day-to-day work.”
As an employer Tasowheel also invests in employee well-being. For example, Smartum exercise benefit is a spectacular advantage. Otherwise, on my spare time I relax and unwind by taking long walks with my dogs, and train herding, obedience and rally.