Coat Weight Sensors
Key Features
- Double-sided or single-sided NIR
- Non-contact sensors
- Connection to sensor using Profibus or Modbus fieldbus interface
- More accurate online measurement with same-spot detection

Measuring Method
The Scienta NIR absorption-based sensor series 7235-C is a single sided, 2-channel InGaAs detector-based Coat weight sensor for online use. The sensor measures the infrared light absorbed by different wavelengths.
The sensor can be supplied with 4-channels for multi-material analyses. All channels are measured simultaneously using a same-spot technology and micro-optical receivers.
To process applications such as paper, board, nonwovens, resin impregnation, laminating, foils etc.
- Non-contact measurement
- Service free construction
- Easy and convenient to install and operate
- Full range of scanners available
- Easy calibration and setup
- More accurate on-line measurements
- Faster on-spec quality and reduced start up waste
- Reduction in rejects due to high performing measurements
- Minimization of energy consumption by accurate and reliable Coat Weight measurements and controls
- Machine speeds can be increased on drying limited paper and board machines

Technical Specifications
Sensor Type | 7235-C |
Method | NIR-MIR |
Construction | Single-sided |
Range | 5 – 100 g/m² |
Accuracy | 0,15 g/m² (2 σ) |
Repeatability | 0,01 g/m² (2 σ) |
Recommended measurement distance | 100 mm |
Power Requirement | +24V, 1A |
Installation | Scanning /Fixed |
Sensor Type | 7235-C |
Measurement Resolution | 0,02 g/m² |
Interface Options | Profibus DP |
Modbus RTU | |
USB | |
Environmental Conditions | 10-60 ℃ 10-95 % RH |
Liquid Cooling | Optional |
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